Thursday, October 15, 2015


Combo Dryer and Washing machines we put in our missionaries apartments.... humm. Maybe one shirt at a time?

They use Bamboo poles to support the structure while pouring cement for above ground levels. Note the number of poles used to support the weight.

One of several early morning markets. People come to these central locations early and buy what they will sell at various other locations throughout the day. Every street and neighborhood has multiple street vendors. Very easy to find fresh fruit and vegetables this way.

Note the bamboo poles holding up the cement on the fourth level. Pretty strong stuff.

Even the outside scaffolding is made of bamboo. Pretty impressive.

This looks like a new church. Note the poles inside on the third level. All of the cement is mixed by hand and the blocks are poured one at a time by hand, dried and then used to build with.

This land Rover looks out of place but you see many fairly nice vehicles here. Most are rebuilt titles though but they can and will fix anything. I have seen some of the coolest old Mercedes dump trucks easily from the forties, still running.


  1. When in Iran, we were required (if we didn't want some horrible intestinal disease) to wash all of our local purchased produce in a solution of chlorine bleach and water. Suppose it is the same there ? We didn't have to wash the fresh baked bread products, and they were delicious. We are certainly enjoying your Blogs, keep up the good work.

  2. We hope your clothes washer is a little bigger!

    1. Yes Clyde, we do wash all of our produce. And yes Darlene, our washer is normal size which is a blessing!
