Sunday, April 17, 2016

Kejetia Market

This is one small area of Kejetia Market in Adum.  Kejetia is the a largest outdoor market in Ghana. It boasts of 20,000 individual vendors. My guess is it could be even larger than that. Each city has their individual "market day". Kejetia's market day I hear is on Monday. These photos were taken on a Tuesday when it's not supposed to be as busy. There is such a vast variety of items to be found here that one could spend days just browsing. This is part of the section where they have vendors with household goods, clothing and fabric. ;)   Other areas sell food, herbs, oils, metals, etc.  If you have a minute, Google Kejetia market and take a look at what's there. It's a facinating place to visit!  I love it there. 
The white building is pie shaped so, you're seeing just one street on the left of the building. The right side street is just as busy.
A view from the foot bridge above the market. 
                                                       Many kinds of grain. 

                    Tomatoe vendor in another section of Kejetia.

These people are mining for gold. Many Chinese own the mining operations and the Ghanaians work for them. Gold is one of the largest export items in Ghana along with cacao.

These are drums that craftsmen make and sell at the Cultural center. Aren't they beautiful? 

Friendly school children on their way to a track meet. They we're very excited and happy.  
                  A soccer match at the Stadium. Black Star is one of the favorite teams.

      There are many beautiful flowering plants and trees here now that it's the rainy season. 
    A face only a mother snail could love....those are four eyes your looking at. The center is his mouth. 
      This guy is big!  No trick photography here. He'll be soup by nightfall.  They like snail soup here.   Only the wealthy can afford such a delicacy. This guy cost about 50 GHS, which translates to about 
$12.50 US dollars.  Veronica tells me these creatures are very good for you immune system, the snail slime is used for cosmetics in the US (ladies, check your makeup labels) and the shells are used for medicine. 

We have a Iridium satellite phone in the mission home for emergency situations.  Elder Halladay is supposed to check in each month with church headquarters to make sure it's working well. Remind you of the old phones before cells?

The children of our Agona Branch love President Halladay.  You can see by his face how he feels about them. 😊
                 President H. with Gifty. She's cute enough to wrap up and bring home!  


  1. I love your pictures from the market, they are so colorful!! And I didn't know you guys got to attend a soccer match. How fun!

  2. I love your pictures from the market, they are so colorful!! And I didn't know you guys got to attend a soccer match. How fun!

  3. I am sure National Geographic will be looking to hire Martie when she is released from their Mission. As I have said earlier, I really enjoy your Blog page, keep up the good work, you are doing great.

  4. Oh yes, The Escargot is a bit pricey, that one snail would be like eating an entire roasted chicken.

  5. I think I need to send you some candy for president halladays office for the children to come visit after church...

  6. I think I need to send you some candy for president halladays office for the children to come visit after church...
